Janken KaDoDo! A sheep-themed card game!
We all know that Watame loves all her adorable Watamates and pamper them all! But there in lies the problem...
How does one decide which Watamate gets to be doted on first?
And so... a game was made to settle the matter, for the winner - end less fluff !
For the loser, also endless fluff (later) and the grill.
Before starting:
Prepare your deck. There are 24 cards in your deck.
Choose 2 specials from the special list below. Each special can only be used once per game (except during a restarted round).
Each round both players:
Draw cards from their deck until they have 9 cards in hand
Activate a special (OPTIONAL)
Place 5 janken cards face down in the order of the player's choice (unless stated otherwise). The opposing player will place the same amount of janken cards face down on the opposite side. There are only 5 janken card columns
Flip up each face down janken card for each column to reveal the winner. The winner of the round is the player with the most wins in the columns played. If the round ends in a draw, restart the round at step 2. All played cards are returned to hand. When the round restarts, the specials activated this round must be activated again. No other special can be activated during the restarted round
At the end of the round, discard all the played cards and repeat the steps to play a new round. The janken match is finished when there are no more cards in the deck.
Watamate Rock > Watamate Scissor > Watamate Paper > Watamate Rock
Watame Rock > Watame Scissor > Watame Paper > Watame Rock
Watame (Any) > Watamate (Any)
Card Disable
Choose 2 random cards from your opponent's hand. The opponent cannot play those cards for this round.
Card Swap
Choose 2 random cards from your opponent's hand. Then swap the corresponding amount of cards from your hand with the chosen cards.
Force Play!
Choose 1 random card from your opponent's hand. The opponent is forced to play that card. You may choose the placement of the chosen card to be played.
Switched Outcome!?
Select one of the janken card columns. The outcome in the chosen column is reversed for only this round (winner becomes the loser and vice versa). If the outcome was a draw, the outcome remains the same and this effect will instead remain until the next round for the chosen column.
Blind Play
The first 3 janken cards to be placed down are chosen at random for both players.
There are also templates for you to create your own cards! Custom Watamates can be created through the Watamate Dresser.